Monday, June 13, 2005


Caroline & Corrine wore matching outfits to church yesterday! We tried to get some pictures, but when one was awake, the other was sleeping. We did finally catch them both awake at the same but neither were really happy about the idea of being photographed. Of course, then the batteries in one camera died, the card in the other filled up... Caroline was fascinated with her younger cousin, but Corrine wasn't so sure about this idea of "sitting up" and we couldn't get her to favor us with even a flash of her sweet smile. Nathan suggested that we try a "matching cousins" picture again sometime after Corrine can sit up on her own, which probably is a very reasonable idea - but they both just happened to have the same outfit NOW...

Aren't they both just lovely young ladies? No, I assure you. I am NOT biased.


Anonymous said...

Soooo cute! Nathan's right, you should get more pictures in the future. ;o)

Those girls are growing up almost as close as sisters--how wonderful!

As One Voice said...

What sweet pictures!

Kim said...

Very cute pictures....just a glimpse of what is to come!

Looking at the last 2 pictures, though.....Corrine looks as if she might not really think all that much of sitting on Caroline's lap....Caroline says, "Psst, Corrine, come on and sit over here." Innocent Corrine thinks, "Why not?" That last photo tells the tale.....Caroline couldn't help herself and pinches that cute little cousin of hers!

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

Cute photos! Love the outfits:)
