The Big Day is now only a few hours away! Need I say anything more? This week has been very special and very fun for the Erber family - and it is far from over yet!
Jonathan is taking off of school today, so there is just a little rehearsing to be done here this morning and then we've got to pack everything up (and try to keep it all somewhat organized so we can find everything when we're there!) and head out to Elgin for set-up, rehearsing, and dinner!
I did hold my breath, however, as I sat down to check the weather forecast for tomorrow. But when the page loaded, I had to copy it here: Absolutely Beautiful!

There is no such thing as better weather than that - in February in northern Illinois!
And so it is here. The wedding. Josh's wedding. He's been a great brother, son and friend to us, and has carried an important role in the Erber family for the last 23 years. We'll miss having him around (though thankfully he won't be too far away!) but we know that he will be a wonderful husband to Abbey, and that God will use them both to accomplish greater things together than either of them could on their own. In truth, neither of them are accomplishing a whole lot on their own right now anyway - other than smiling (though even smiles are brighter and bigger when they are together)!
But teasing aside, we have rejoiced to watch as our all-wise God has chosen these two and drawn them to Himself and given them to each other. Tomorrow will be a beautiful day! In fact, even without ladies in lovely dresses, men decked out in tuxes, adorable flower girls, a charming ring-bearer, a string trio playing softly in the background, an organ heralding the happy news, flowers, ribbons, candles, the sun shining brilliantly - yes, even were all that absent, the day would be beautiful, the day would be wonderful and happy and right. For as a man and a woman covenant their lives together before God, with the full blessing of their parents, and the loving support of family and friends... as Psalm 133 says, it is like precious oil poured upon the head, like the dew of the mountains, and there the Lord commands His blessings!
Can't wait until... Tomorrow, tomorrow!
we are rejoicing and praying with you and yours! So excited for you, What a thrill!
miss you much!
be blessed friends
<>< cornforths
HEY Im the first to say good morning to you on the day of your wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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