Corned Beef, Cabbage and Potatoes - a must dinner menu on March 17. And for dessert...
..."Emerald Isle" Ymmmm!
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Liberty Day
More rehearsing for Liberty Day...
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This blog is dedicated to reporting the movements and musings, the updates and observations of the Erber family; including their personal, business and ministry pursuits and activities, as well as miscellaneous commentary on life in general and their family, friends and relations in particular.
Question: What is an Emerald Isle?
The eggs look great!
Those little ones grow up so fast!
Hannah DeLadurantey
Our "Emerald Isle" dessert was just a "green" variation of "Floating Island". I searched around online for a good Floating Island recipe, and ended up mixing a couple of them together to make it the way I had it at a friends home. I'll send the recipe over your way. It's really easy and yummy... :-)
Thanks Jessica!
Havea great Easter!
Hannah DeL
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