Thursday, November 13, 2008


When one has as many trees as we have, one naturally accumulates very large leaf piles. Leaf piles, are, of course, good for only one thing - jumping in!

In anticipation of a cold winter to come, all hands have been at work out doors, and Joseph has been busy chopping wood for our stove. Thanks much, Joseph!

Ah, and then there was election night. A somewhat dreary night, overall, but a good one on which to play a round of a US trivia game... and roast s'mores over the wood stove!

There really was more than just ash in there... :-) In other pictures one sees flame, or at least a nice warm glow from within the stove.


The Hemmers said...

Very unique way to make smores! Come to think of can enjoy the treat and stay warm at the same guys are smart!

~Faith Hemmer

Dawn said...

Great Idea!! Smart guys you Erbers! What an enjoyable time for that dreary night. :-) Fall is wonderful, and the extra helpers and jumpers you had makes it even more fun. I'm glad you were able to rake and enjoy the leaves while they were 'crisp', after all this rain they will be a soggy mess.
Love to all of you,
The Beattys

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for another fun evening! I think the leaves didn't stay "crisp" and fluffy for too long after the kids had a ball in them :)

The Webbs