What wealth there is to be found in family and friends! And what joy is found in celebrating and remembering God's gifts with them.
Friday night celebrated the 25th wedding anniversary of Paul & Kathy Knottnerus. We've known the Knottneruses for... 15ish years?
Saturday we spent in preparation for and anticipation of more celebrations. :-) Cooking, cleaning, game preparations, etc. were the call of the day.
Sunday, July 3rd... ah, what a wonderful day that was! Following our church service in the morning, we headed over to Milky Way Park in Harvard with our church family. We celebrated the blessings of liberty, independence and the Christian heritage of America, as well as the 7th anniversary of the day that our family sat around the living room with the Huber family for the first time... which meeting led to the forming of our church.
Food, fun, and lots of talking were the schedule for the afternoon! And, in spite of a strong, steady wind, and some scattered storms, we had a great time together.

One of many relays, the classic three-legged race.

Another picnic classic - the Egg Toss! Yes, they were real raw eggs.

The Egg Toss winners: Mr. & Mrs. Webb!

Dustin & Aaron won the water balloon toss - they had come in second on the egg toss.

The guys lined up rather eagerly for the whipped cream "pie" eating contest!

The fastest: Aaron, Josh, Sebastian...

The messiest: Joseph, Ryan, Seth, Ethan, Josiah

Tug o' War. Dad's win.

Boys win.

Post "war" boys.

Post "war" dads.

Not to be left out... the little kids tug!

And then it was time for baseball - though the rather extreme wind swayed the vote over to softball (12-inch) instead.

Oh, yes. And there was the treasure hunt that ended at the cooler of ice cream sandwiches! Yum, yum!

Relays, tug-of-war, baseball... all were beyond the abilities of a few of our younger church members who spent the time stealing each other's pacifiers, playing with "guns" and generally getting better acquainted with each other.
Wish you could have been there!
Wow! Great pictures!
A BIG thank-you to all you Erbers for spending your time to make the day memorable.
We all had a fun time! :)
Anna (for All the VH'S)
The picture with the babies and the gun is BY FAR my favorite!
Baby with gun: "I can convert this one to a 357 just by unscrewing the barrel!"
Baby to the left: "If I was in Texas, I could get a license to carry concealed!"
So fun to see Jer's face in the "Post War Dad's" picture. At first I thought- "What's he doing there?" then - "duh! of course." Sorry Jer. :-) Sometimes I forget that we are growing up. . .
That sure was fun, we should do that more often.
Lots of picnic pictures!
Any pictures from the Knottnerus anniversary?
Jonathan took a bunch of pictures for the Knottneruses, but I haven't actually had time to look through them yet!
Knottnerus anniversary pictures are up! At least a few are!
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