This is the home my grandparents lived in all their married lives, until they moved in with us last fall. It is also the home that my parents lived in when they were first married, the home that we lived in while we built the house we live in now! Life with Grandpa & Grandma in our home is quite different than life was before! But God is always good and gives the extra grace needed when we need it!
Grandma has Alzheimer's, but even though she doesn't know who they are, she enjoys seeing her great-grandchildren when they visit!
Grandpa also is dealing with considerable dementia, but after some instruction was able to relearn how to play some basic card games, which Caroline enjoyed playing with him. The morning after his 85th birthday in March, Grandpa fell and broke his leg pretty badly and has been in a local hospital/rehab center since then.
Long winter evenings are great for reading...
Oh, yes! Liberty Day is a big part of our lives each spring! :-) It was a bit crazy to pull off this year, but God sent "friends to fight our battles with us" and we are SO grateful for our church family jumping in and picking things up, bringing meals over, and providing other support along the way! Other dear friends joined the forces for the week of the event and we could never have done it without them! Many, many thanks to all those who participated in hosting/supporting/attending this event - the hand of God was quite evident in you all!
Dr. Joe Morecraft and Dr. Phil Kayser were our guest speakers this year and they brought an incredible set of messages to those who attended. (Contact Josh about ordering a set of the recordings. He's in the midst of changing/updating/restructuring his whole website, so he doesn't have the order form online right now, but you can still email or call him about an order! They are excellent - you need to hear them!)
Despite an engagement elsewhere in the country that weekend, Patrick Henry did make his flight back to Chicago to be present for the evening!
Ah, one last photo! :-) On Friday, April 15, we hosted our monthly dinner and games night with the families in our church. Since it was April 15, we of course had a tax and money theme! Quite a fun evening, even if illness shrunk us to a rather small group that night!
Yea! Thanks for the update. How's your grandfather doing?
God bless you richly as you take care of your grandparents!!
Jane - His leg isn't healing very fast. He still has "no weight bearing status" so physical therapy is at a halt. His dementia also presents problems for the PT since he isn't able to built a trust relationship with him. Dad will get another x-ray on May 18. Right now he sleeps a lot and doesn't eat much. I'm sure Jack has seen his fair-share of patients in Dad's condition.
Thanks for asking!
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