Just before 9:00 this morning Jonathan said final goodbyes and pulled out of the driveway. Headed where, you ask? He's headed west, to Idaho. Why, you ask? Well, he will be studying music under, and being mentored by Dr. David Erb. His commitment to Dr. Erb is through late May/early June of 2010. We are excited about this opportunity for Jonathan, but we are going to miss him a lot! Apparently there are a few other people who think they might miss him too, as this past weekend we had a couple of going-away parties for him!
On Friday, the Carlsons organized a bowling party for a bunch of us to get together and have one last fun evening together before Jonathan left.
Some of us haven't been bowling in a VERY long time, but certain ones showed that they have the Erber bowling genes in them...
Dad wasn't going to play, but couldn't resist showing us all how it's done. :)
And while Dad held the highest score of the evening, Josiah came in with the second highest!
Jonathan bowled a couple of good games, too...
...until he decided to try some other techniques and...
Yes, that is a bandage on his finger. It looks nice and tidy in that picture, but it wasn't pretty looking when the bones were not where they were supposed to be, and is apparently pretty badly sprained.
By the time it was iced and taped up as best we could in a bowling alley we were getting close to the end of the evening, but he did play one game left handed. He's definitely right handed.
Thanks, Carlsons, for organizing the evening! We had so much fun!
Then came Sunday. After our church service, and lunch, our traditional "afternoon meeting" altered a little bit to allow us a time to send Jonathan off in style! Various creative presentations saw us laughing and crying. It was a very memorable event. :-)
"The Ballad of Juan"
"Mr. Jonathan"
Afterward, nearly everyone came back to our house for more fun, food and games. Jonathan even managed to play volleyball despite his finger brace.
Having an immobile finger (and doctor's appointments) did cause his packing and preparations to be slowed down a little bit, and thus he headed out of town today instead of yesterday as originally planned.
Loading up his stuff...
...backing up...
...and pulling out! God's blessings on you, Jonathan! We love you!