Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Erber Update

Well, I guess it's time for our family to get beyond wishing everyone a happy new year... in absence of the inspiration, pictures, or exciting events that make for an exciting post, we have here, once again, a cliff notes version of this past week:

* Dad, Jeanine, Joseph, Joanna, and Josiah took an art class in Rockford on Wednesday and in just three hours learned to draw portraits! Joanna especially has had fun since then sketching portraits from various photos.

* Tuesdays and Wednesdays are music lesson days, Jessica teaching piano both days, and Joanna (violin) and Josiah (cello) taking lessons at Rockford Music Academy on Wednesdays.

* Nathan, Jeanine & Corrine spent last weekend with us. We didn't really see much of Nathan as he was using the time to hide in our basement and cram every spare second full of studying for his upcoming Bar exam, but we enjoyed entertaining Jeanine and Corrine for a few days - even if we are spoiling Corrine with all the attention!

* Nathan & Brenton Huber flew into town for a cousin's wedding and spent a day with us after Josh picked them up from O'Hare.

* Dad and Mom spoke at a homeschool support group meeting Thursday night. The topic was "Marriage Unity." The reports are that the meeting went well and several good conversations were had afterwards.

* On Friday night, Mom and Jessica attended a concert of the Elgin Symphony Orchestra. Guest soloist Gonzalo Xavier Ruiz performed Mozart's "Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra" and also Mozart's "Serenade No. 12 in C Minor." He was very good and a lot of fun to watch! The orchestra also performed Mozart's "Jupiter" Symphony, which was outstanding! The guest conductor for the evening happened to be Edwin Outwater - a name that might be familiar to our California relatives???

* On Saturday evening we enjoyed visiting with Jeremy & Sara, Nathan & Jeanine, and Kenton & Anna Skarin and discussing plans for Liberty Day and the conference on the Constitution with Paul Jehle coming up on March 4, 2006.

* With the new year comes a new job for Dad. He is now full time pastor/elder of Christ's Church in Capron, Illinois. His week has included various meetings with members of our church and is spending the early part of this week at a pastor's conference in Tennessee.


Hubers said...

Thank you Josh for picking up our men!! Brenton was so excited to get to be with Josiah and Joseph. What a dream come true! We all wish we could have gone.

We praise God for the church taking such an important step by supporting your Dad. May God continue to guide you father in such an awesome but exciting task.

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for Christ Church in Capron!!! Pass along to all the saints there what a delight to see them show the importance of the church by supporting a man in the ministry. Their decision is truly a blessing to me.