Thursday, April 22, 2010

RVCCO in Concert!

Last night Joanna and Josiah performed with the RVCCO! It was a wonderful concert, and playing with an orchestra has been enjoyable, and a great experience, for them both. The repertoire for this concert was Beethoven, Handel, Grieg and Haydn and was a lot of fun to listen to!

Joanna with the first violins, and Josiah in the cello section.

I've put together a few video clips from the concert (video below), but you can also check out Here, Here, and Here for a few other clips from the evening.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

If you had been here on Sunday... would have seen a crowd of people enjoying relationships that God has given, and delighting in the beauties of His creation on a fresh spring day!  Conversations while sitting in the sunshine, volleyball games, food, fun on the trampoline, sitting on the back porch swapping stories and making plans for summer... Spring is certainly here and we are looking forward to lots more fellowship in the great outdoors over the coming months!

Of course, there were also lots of little people around enjoying swings, slides, balls, jump ropes, and smiling!